It’s Easy To Start Training Your Dog At Home

training your dog at homeKeeping your dog inside all day can be challenging if your dog is not trained to respect your belongings. They may chew on furniture or use your carpet to go to the restroom. The following article contains some tips you can use to help make your dog well-behaved.

TIP! Spoken directions should be made using a simple, concise and forceful tone. Avoid going on a rant about the dog’s “badness”.

A main focus of training is timing your sessions appropriately. Begin with a training session that lasts a few minutes, and do it for a bit longer every day. See where your dog starts not paying attention to the training session.

When you start canine training, come up with a verbal cue that will tell your pet they’ve followed your command. The word “yes” can be the bridge between rewards and good behavior.

TIP! Give your puppy something it can chew to help it lessen teething pains, like a toy or a piece of rope. Keep any items you treasure out of reach of your puppy while it is teething.

Be mindful of how long the sessions are when training your dog at home. Remember that a dog has a short attention span and cannot focus on one thing for too long. Keep first training lessons to 10 minutes or less.

Use the same hand signal or voice command to get your dog’s attention. Try to use the dog’s name in the start of the command. This will get his attention so he knows to follow the command. A dog will immediately respond to their name. After grabbing their attention, they will be prepared for their instructions.

TIP! It may take several times for your dog to learn new commands. It will take up to 50 repetitions to learn a new command.

It is not good for a puppy to train too often, it will wear it out if it has to process too much information. Puppies have short attention spans and they cannot focus too much, so have shorter sessions and try to be positive during them every time. If your training sessions stress your puppy, he will grow increasingly less attentive in future sessions.

When you’re consistent, he can learn to hold it in. When you’re at home, spend enough time with your pet and take him out of the house every hour. Every time your dog potties outside, be quick to praise him. If your dog has an accident in the house, never harshly reprimand it. He does not understand what he did and your yelling will not teach him anything. Make a habit of walking him around fifteen minutes after eating or drinking anything, and after coming out of his dog crate.

TIP! When house-breaking your puppy, choose a specific phrase to use when it’s time to go outdoors. Whenever the dog is taken out, use the term you have chosen to refer to the process of relieving him or herself, and the pet will make a mental link between going outside and doing just that.

Is your dog getting proper nutrition? Some bad behavior could be attributed to an imbalanced diet. Find out what your dog’s breed needs in terms of nutrition and then meet those needs. Talk to your vet regarding specific food needs for pets.

One of the first commands you should teach your dog is “down”. This is useful on its own, but also opens up other tricks. Dogs that understand the “down” command are able to hit the ground whenever necessary, which is valuable in times of danger.

TIP! Make sure you’ve got a reward ready whenever your dog does something successfully. You want your pet to know that you are pleased with his behavior.

Have some patience when dealing with your dog. Your dog is not human and does not speak or understand English. The dog can only understand simple gestures and vocal tones but won’t understand your meaning. Remain calm and take a break when you become too frustrated during training sessions.

Dogs will be dogs, so give your dog outlets to work out his canine behaviors. Dogs need to eat well, a spacious run, and lots of toys and interesting things to occupy their time.

Start your training sessions with a treat for each successful command. Once they understand, start phasing out the treats.

Be aware of how you are reacting to your dogs behavior. If you express amusement after poor behavior, the dog is likely to do it again. This can hinder training and cause you to get frustrated. Your dog’s misbehavior may be funny on a certain level, but don’t let him know you think so.

TIP! House training a puppy can be frustrating, as accidents are going to occur on occasion. To help your training stay on track, clean up any messes right away.

Agility training requires a lot of research and a dog who can fit the bill. Most dogs can do the sport, but competitions call for certain breeds most of the time.

If your dog is barking too much try to find out why they are doing it. When you understand these triggers, you will better understand how to stop the behavior. For instance, if your pet barks when it sees visitors come into your house, have a friend go to your house more in order to address this type of behavior.

TIP! A good tip is to make sure you are aware if other dogs are present when you are walking your dog. Certain dogs have an aggressive streak – don’t be under the assumption that the owner has taken the time to train them.

Consistency is imperative when training a dog. Use the same words or phrases for commands and speak them in the same tone each time. This consistency is also appropriate for the types of treats and punishments administered during training.

As this article has shown, you can keep a dog indoors. Your dog may have chewed up all of your things, and you are very angry. Follow the steps provided in this article, and you will learn how to train your dog to be a good indoor pet.