Ideas To Help You Train Your Dog

train your dogThere is no doubt about it; dogs are great. If you happen to already be the owner of one, good for you! Proper training of pets is the best way to build strong relationships with them. You’ll feel more confident, if you’re home with them or not. Read the tips and tricks below for some great dog-training advice.

TIP! Choose a crate that corresponds to the size of your dog to facilitate its training. Don’t forget, your puppy will grow.

The first thing that you must do is to command control over your dog. You must command your dog’s respect by being able to maintain discipline, or his obedience will be out of the question. Don’t let your dog control the direction or pace of your walks.

You should always say commands in the same tone and volume. The tone should be firm, so your dog understands that you are issuing a command, not a suggestion. It will also help him distinguish between a disciplinary tone, which is sharper, and a commanding tone.

TIP! Always have a treat for rewarding your dog. You want your dog to recognize that when you give it a command and it does the task, it is doing what you want it to do.

When house training your pup, you should adhere to a regular schedule of feeding and elimination. By establishing a regular potty-time every day, you will get your dog in the habit of doing his business at the same time daily. When a dog has a schedule, they also learn the valuable skill of “holding it” until you take him for his next scheduled trip outside.

“Leave it” is a command that should be taught and reinforced early on. Teaching them to “leave it” will stop them from destructive chewing and coming in contact with something that could potentially hurt them.

TIP! Make sure your dog knows how to obey, to reduce the frequency of their barks. Present the dog with a treat and say the command, stopping only when the dog ceases to bark.

Teach your puppy his name when you first start training him, as this creates a bond between the two of you. Call him by name frequently, and teach him to come when called. There is no other word your puppy should be taught first. Spend lots of time with your dog, so it gets to know you and understands that you are to be trusted. This will make him easier to train later.

Always be aware of your tone of voice when you have to discipline your dog. Dogs are very intuitive. It is okay to be appropriately stern.

TIP! Wearing out a puppy with too much training and information, will be extremely counterproductive. Keep your training sessions short and sweet, this will help your puppy be more focused.

Accidents are a part of training your puppy to go potty outside. Clean accidents up immediately to assist in your training efforts. The odors from these accidents will remain in the carpeting, which will attract your pet back to this same spot to use again and again for elimination purposes. There are a number of products available at pet stores that get rid of these odors.

It’s important to remember that all of the things you do with your dog are building its behavior and personality. This is something you need to know since you might undo desired behaviors with horse-playing or teasing them. You want to constantly be teaching your dog the behavior that you want it to have.

TIP! If you are consistent, you will be able to teach your furry friend to wait. Take him outside hourly to do his business.

Teach your dog the “down” command. This command will be useful if you need to keep your dog from jumping on someone. When the animal is familiar with the ‘down’ command, he can be more effectively controlled with little advance warning. This is important when others’ safety is at stake.

It is critical that you teach your dog the difference between correct and incorrect behaviors. Everyone who lives with your dog will have to undertake the same behavior for him to learn from your training. It can quickly make your efforts backfire!

TIP! Your dog should enjoy being trained by you. Your dog will enjoy training sessions most and be able to pay attention well if lessons are short.

Dogs will always be dogs, so expect his wild side to emerge if you do not give him proper care. It is important to provide dogs with the right type of food, space in which to exercise and a wide array of exciting pastimes.

When training a dog, make sure to stay consistent. One way to ensure everyone in your household uses the same commands is to create an easily accessible list of the commands used to train your dog. In addition, make sure that the behaviors of the dog are treated consistently. Good behaviors get rewarded; bad behaviors do not. Different cues from different people will confuse your dog.

If you want an agile dog, do some research before buying one. Most dogs can do the sport, but competitions call for certain breeds most of the time.

We hope these tips will help you make the most of your relationship with your dog. Take what you need and leave the rest. You are certainly already in love with your puppy. Training is the best way to reach success. Train your pet well. Congratulations on the furry friend!